
  • Post category:Customers
  • Reading time:3 mins read
APTX Customers’ menu is a comprehensive setup for adding or creating customers, and managing them. Customer list can be downloaded as PDF or CSV file to keep track of all customers and easily retrieve their orders and history.

This APTX functionality also allows a customer to be assigned to a sales representative and establish certain business terms.

The main screen displays Customer list on the left side, specific Company Info, Address Info, Additional Info, Products on Back-Order, Order Info, Payment Info, Quotes, Shipped Orders, and Invoices.

When you click the PLUS icon, a pop-up screen will allow you to fill in needed information for your new customer.
The DOWNLOAD icon is for copy, transfer, and storage of existing customer files via PDF or CSV file.
The REFRESH icon is for fetching new data.
The EDIT icon in Company Info is to revise any information.
View or Edit icon in Address Info is to show or revise existing Bill-To and Shipping Address.