- How can I order items from a vendor?
- What are my tracking capabilities for containers and international shipments?
- How can I receive goods and reconcile the received goods with the vendor bill?
- How can I make an immediate purchase and skip the receiving stage?
Webinar transcript
APT University: Vendor Purchase Orders, Receiving, and Bills
Hello everyone and welcome to APTU, today we’re going to be discussing Vendor Purchase Orders, Receiving, and Bills, the whole process of doing business with a vendor.
To follow along you will need to look at last week’s video on how to create a product, customer and vendor, so feel free to take a look at that video on localhost/apt under resources or on our youtube channel.
So moving into AdvancePro , we’re going to come to the vendor tab and click new order, we can also do this from our quick navigation bar on the left hand edge of the screen.
Next we’re going to choose our vendor and click proceed. This is for manually entering a vendor order, if you need to link the vendor order to customer orders, take a look at our backorder management video.
Now we can type in any product sku that is associated with this vendor, and we can search to add items to the order, we can always change the quantity or cost price, and we can manage the destination warehouse, the expected dates, and similar values, some of these fields such as payment terms can also be set as a default for any transactions with that vendor.
Once we’re happy with our order we can click here to print an order out, we can email orders, and we can export as pdfs or excel files,
We can also attach customs or freight information if we need to handle large shipments with bills of lading under this vendor freight button.
When we click place order, we’ll be given a reminder to email the order, and we’ll be told that the order has been placed and sent to the warehouse for receiving.
AdvancePro does offer a feature to give a user a purchasing limit, so they can’t place a purchase order for more than their limit.
So that’s the purchase order itself.
Next we’ll go through the warehouse to receiving, so this is where we actually accept a delivery and confirm it, we’ll see a label for the vendor, the expected delivery date, and the carrier if we chose one,
Now we can open that order up and say how many items were actually received. If we got shorted, the vendor bill that gets generated will reflect that, so we can pay our vendor for exactly what they sent us.
It’s also at this stage where we can enter lot and serial numbers for tracking, and where we can assign picking locations if we want to record bin or shelf numbers for our products.
When we click receive, these items become immediately available as stock that we can ship to our customers, and a bill gets created
So we’re going to go to Vendors, view all bills and credit memos, and we’re going to open up our bill.
This bill is what’s going to go to QuickBooks when we confirm it, something else we can do at this point is manage any third party shipping costs with our frieght module, so that will enter our bill not just for the product vendor, but also for a third party freight provider. And it will link to our product landed costing.
Finally, when we click create bill, that’s going to finalize the bill in AdvancePro and send it to QuickBooks to be paid or reconciled.
So this finishes our vendor process, we’ve gone from ordering, to receiving, to bill confirmation and QuickBooks.
One last thing I’d like to show is How you can do a vendor order very quickly. This is great for a situation where you just went out and personally purchased some stock, so you don’t need a purchase order to be separate from receiving. What you can do is start a purchase order, but check off this direct bill checkbox, now when we hit place order, the items will be received automatically and we’ll be taken directly to the bill, which we can create now, or we can create it later by navigating to that view all bills and credit memos screen.
So that concludes our brief tour of AdvancePro’s purchasing workflows.