- How can I customize my view of orders and product records in AdvancePro?
- How can I create a new default view for a given user/role?
Webinar transcript
APT University: Custom Column Selection
Hello and welcome to APT University – Today we’re going to be discussing the custom column selection tool and how it can be used to modify your view in various areas of the AdvancePro software. This is a feature that is new in AdvancePro 11 and with each new release we’re adding it to new areas of AdvancePro, currently, this is available in View products and view customer orders, we’ve also recently added it to the pick pack and ship dashboard.
The custom column selection tool is available by clicking the gear symbol in the top left of any dashboard When you click this tool, you’ll see all the available columns that can be viewed, and you can choose which ones should be added to that dashboard, for example, if you want to know the customer first and last names on the order, You’ll also see there are now custom sorting options, and for the date, you can choose whether your date filter will filter by order date or shipping date.
New in 11.6 you’ll see you can also adjust how these columns sort.
What this really does is allow you to create a custom report right from this dashboard, once you’ve made your changes, you’ll be able to click the print or excel export buttons in the bottom right to get a printed or excel version of the dashboard you’ve created. For other ways to export to excel, take a look at our video on export and import from excel on localhost/apt under the resources tab, or on our youtube channel.
Now lets say you need this information every day and want to create a dashboard for yourself or for one of your employees, what you can do is lock this view to a user role. So to do this you’re going to navigate to admin and roles.
You can’t modify the 7 pre-built roles, so create a new one, I’ve created the new role called Test. check off the role and then click the set access options button, and now enable or disable one of the basic dashboards, you’ll need to save, and then click the E button, for edit.
This will pull up the dashboard itself, and you can now edit which parts of the dashboard are enabled for this role. Finally, you can now click the gear button to edit the default view of that dashboard for any user assigned to this role.
Let’s save and close the roles management tool, now to assign that role to a user, let’s go to admin, site administrators, and choose a user, use the role selector to choose your custom role and get the default view you created.
This concludes today’s APTU tour off the custom column selector tools. Thanks for watching.