Customer Pricing

  • Post category:apt-university
  • Reading time:4 mins read


  • How Can I import customer pricing schemes from a Spreadsheet?
  • How can I associate a pricelist to a group?
  • How can I give a customer a specific price for a specific product?
  • how can I give a group of customers a discount across all products or across a category of products?

Webinar transcript

APT University: Customer Pricing


Preset: Open up a copy of the customer pricing sheet

Hello and Welcome to AdvancePro University – Today we’re going to be looking at our customer pricing capabilities – Specifically, we’re going to look at customer price list spreadsheets, associating a specific price to a specific customer from the product page, as well as some of our customer group pricing capabilities.

So first we’re going to break down the customer pricing sheet – down the left hand column you’ll SKU and Product name – if you need a full list, you can run a product export from advancepro under Admin > Utilities > excel import/export. – this also happens to be where you can import customer pricing.

Back to our spreadsheet, our next columns start up a pattern, Customer Account number, and Lock. Replace the account number header with the account number of the customer you want to bring in pricing for, and then below the account number, put in the fixed costs your want to apply to that customer’s pricing scheme.

If you aren’t using customer account numbers. We Strongly recommend that you start.

Now the lock aspect – what this Addresses is – what happens when you change your default sale price? Does the customer price stay the same? Then that price is locked and you should put a Y here. Does the price Float to maintain the same discount or markup? Well then that price is unlocked, and you can mark an N.

Finally, you can put in a customer SKU here, this allows the customer to order the same product, but have the SKU be something different, this works great if your customers have a different catalogue number for your products than you do.

Now to import, just browse for the file here on the excel import/export menu and click the customer pricing import button.

Now I’m going to show you how to perform the same process at an item-specific level – Go to View Products – pick an item, click the E button for edit, and navigate to the Customer pricing tab. From here, click on Create pricing, choose the customer or customers you want the price to apply to, and input your price, you can also put in a customer sku here, or input the price as a percentage markup or discount on the default sales price. Once you save, advancepro and our B2B/salesrep webservices will show the prices for this customer as having been adjusted. Also notice the Promotions tab – this is essentially the same function – except promotional prices have an expiry date – great for creating short-term pricing schemes.

Now you’ll also see there is a dropdown here which will allow you to select a predefined group of customers.

Lets talk about how to set that group up – we’re going to the customer panel, and to the customer groups panel, create a new group by naming and saving it, then you can add customers to it by clicking associate customers, check off the relevant customers, and save..

Next, we’re going to navigate to products – and to categories, these work the same way customer groups do, name them, save them, then associate products to the categories, and associate products to the category and save.

Now that we have both groups and categories, we can create pricing rules that apply for entire categories of product. Navigate to the products dashboard, and Go to the Global pricing area. In the second tab here, we can choose one or more customer groups, one or more product category, and give that group a pricing rule, such as an across-the-board 10% discount. This is a really powerful tool for setting up discount levels across customers.

So this concludes our tour of customer price levels.