Customer Orders, Pick/Pack/Ship, and Invoice

  • Post category:apt-university
  • Reading time:5 mins read


  • How can I place a customer order for fulfillment?
  • How can I pick goods and create an invoice?
  • How can I make an immediate over the counter sale?

Webinar transcript

APT University: Sales, Pick/Pack/Ship, and Invoicing

Hello and welcome to APTU – today our subject will be interacting with the customer through Sales orders, Picking/Packing/Shipping, and Invoices.

In order to follow along today, you may want to take a look at some of our related videos, such as entering a product, customer or vendor, you can find all of our APTU video archive on localhost/apt under the resources tab. Today is meant as an overview we’re I’ll touch on many features that also have their own video, so if there’s a feature you’d like to learn more on, please take a look.

So in AdvancePro, we’re going to go to place a new customer order, it does require a customer to be entered. Now once we choose the customer, we can take a look at that customer’s order history, and we can also see their invoice history so we can see if they’re paid up, You can also choose delivery addresses if they have more than one. Lets click proceed.

So here on the next page we can put all the relevant data, we can set terms or expected dates or carriers, we can set shipping charges or give discounts, we can directly edit the addresses, and we can add items to the order either by typing or scanning the SKU, or by searching for a product or sku by using keywords.

Now next we can print out an order, we can take payment – there’s a whole video on payment and how we can process credit cards or take any other form of payment. And we can also turn this order into a quote.

Now when we save an order as a quote, it gets moved from open orders into quotations. So if we come into view customer orders we have these filters along the top of the screen and we can look at quotes or open orders or processed orders so we can manage these orders through the fulfillment process.

We can also import customer orders from a website or sales tool automatically, so you might just come in in the morning and find a whole bunch of orders waiting for you here in view orders.

Lets open up our quote, when the customer is ready to buy, go ahead and hit place order, other than the print page on a quote reading quotation AdvancePro treats it almost exactly like a regular order.

So next is the process order screen – and this is where you can decide how to fill the order, so if we need to we can order it from a vendor or arrange a drop shipment. Today we’re going to be shipping out of our warehouse.

Now as soon as we process a customer order, that stock gets reserved for that customer, so we still know we have it on hand, but we also no that it’s not available for sale any longer.

So we get a results screen and now we can see we got a pick ticket, we can get a quick link to that pick ticket, or we can close this down and head over to the warehouse dashboard.

So here we have some orders ready to pick, pack, or ship, we can move through these stages one by one for an assembly line style shipping department, or we can open the pick ticket and ship immediately. We can associate lot or serial numbers, and we can also have a picking location displayed, which can tell us where to go get the items in the warehouse.

We also offer courier integrations with UPS worldship, Fedex Manager, and USPS Click and Ship or Endicia Professional.

And we also offer picking and packing through our AP Mobile App.

So this way we can send the address out to those softwares to manage your shipping, and bring the tracking number back.

Now when we ship this product out, it gets removed from inventory, and then it makes an invoice for us based on what was shipped, you can find the drafted invoice under customers> view all invoices and credit memos.

Once you’re satisfied with this invoice, you can print it off, email it, or click create invoice to finalize it, open it up for direct invoice payment, and send it to QuickBooks if you’re syncing AdvancePro and QuickBooks together.

So this concludes today’s overview of sales, pick/pack/ship and invoice.

Thanks for watching.