Customer Quotes

  • Post category:apt-university
  • Reading time:3 mins read


  • Create an initial quotation
  • Manage quotations
  • Convert from quote to sale

 Webinar transcript

APT University: Customer Quotes

Hello everyone and welcome to APTU, today we’re going to be going over the quotation process in advancepro, how to create a new quote, and how to convert that quote into a sales order you can ship against.

We will be going over any questions at the end of the presentation, so if you do have a question go ahead and put it into the live chat available to the side if you’re watching live on youtube, or just below the video if you’re watching live on localhost/apt. We do live shows every wednesday at noon eastern time, and if you’d like to learn more about advancepro, you can find all our past episodes on localhost/apt under the resources tab, or on our youtube channel.

So quotations and estimates being sent out to customers is very simple with advancepro, we’re going to start a standard customer order, just by opening advancepro, and going into new order under the customers tab, of course if this is a new customer you will need to add a new customer before you start.

Now we can go ahead an put some items on the order, and instead of clicking place order, we can just go ahead and click the save as quotation button, as an alternative, we can change our printing settings to allow us to print the sales order as a quotation as well, in both cases we can easily get a document that reads as ‘quotation’ at the top.

Now since we’ve saved as a quotation, we can go out to view orders, and look up our quotation under the quotations filter in the upper right.

When we reopen the order, we can print the order as a quote, we can cancel it if the quote is old, the quote will also disappear from your default view depending on the date range you set. As well.

Now for the quote to proceed as an order, we just move ahead and place the order, from here, the order is sent right into picking and packing, the exact same as a standard order.

If you need to issue quote requests to your vendors, we do also have a vendor quote request available

This concludes today’s tour of the customer quote process.