- How can I duplicate a previous order?
- How can I track interactions or calls to a customer?
- How can I see if a customer has paid their invoices?
Webinar transcript
APT University: CRM and Customer History
Hello and welcome to another episode of APT university, today we’re going to be discussing our customer CRM functions, as well as important features for your sales and customer service team like finding old orders, replicating an order based on customer history, and leaving ntoes about customer contact records.
We will be taking any questions at the end so if you have a question feel free to put it into the questions tab on your gotowebinar control panel. If you want to learn more about AdvancePro, you can find over 60 APTU videos on localhost/apt under the resources tab, or on our youtube channel.
So we’re going to start by going right into AdvancePro, and we’re going to open up the customers>view all customers tab and we’re going to edit a particular customer, and we’ll go to the crm tab.
This is going to let us see all interactions with that customer that have been logged, so if you want you can have your sales, customer service, ad support team logging their interactions with that customer so that everyone can understand what the customers needs are.
Each note is attached to the user who filed it, so we can very easily see who contacted the customer, on what day, and what transpired.
You’ll also see some related tabs for customer order history and customer invoice history so we can go and look at any historical transactions with that customer stored in advancepro. If you click any of the reference numbers linked in blue, you’ll be taken to the actual order or invoice so you can review all the details on that document.
Now there are also some functions we can look at as we are starting up a sale or a quote for a customer, so we’ll come up to our quick navigation bar and we’ll start a new customer order, choose a customer, and now you’ll see the view order history and view invoice history checkboxes, these will allow you to see the items on previous orders, as well as a list of invoies, whether or not you created them in advancepro (or whether they were sent to the customer) and whether or not that invoice was paid. So right upfront we have the vital intelligence about this customer before we make a sale. Now if we want to duplicate a previous order, we can just check off the items on the order history window, and they’ll be added to the order we’re about to start with a quantity of one. So when we click proceed, there they are, and we can now go ahead and put in the quantities and move forward processing the order.
This concludes our quick tour of the customer management functions in AdvancePro.