Across The Board Pricing

  • Post category:apt-university
  • Reading time:4 mins read


  • How can I create simple discount/markup rules for my customers?
  • How can I apply these rules to customers, or to a group of customers?
  • How can I make it so that whenever I add a customer to an existing group, that they inherit the pricing rules of that group?

Webinar transcript

APT University: Across the Board Pricing

Hello everyone and welcome to APT University. Today we’re going to be taking a look at one of the 5 pricing levels of advancepro – the second level price known as across the board pricing. Advancepro has 5 levels of pricing that layer on top of each other, the first is your main selling price that you set in your product and now the second price option is an across-the-board markup or discount. You can apply that price to an individual customer, or to a customer group.

We will be taking any questions at the end, so if you have any questions during the presentation, feel free to enter them into the questions tab of your gotowebinar control panel. If you would like to learn more about advancepro, you can see all our past episodes on localhost/apt under the resources tab, or on our youtube channel.

So across the board pricing will automatically overrule any default selling price. To set it up, go ahead to the customer you want to edit, by going to the customers tab, and view all customers, go to the E button, and click to the Additional info tab. Right at the top you’ll see you can give the customer a default markup or discount on all products.

When we talk about a markup, this is a markup against the Cost price of the item. So a 10 percent markup is cost plus 10 percent, we can also do a negative markup, which would be cost minus 10 percent. Discounts are in relation to the selling price, so we can do a 10 percent discount, which would be the selling price minus 10 percent, or even a negative discount, which would be selling price plus 10 percent.

So this covers the setup for a single customer, but what if we want to give this to a group of customers. If you haven’t seen our video on product categories and customer groups, go take a look, but in short, go to the customers tab, create a group, and associate at least one customer. Some people will create a placeholder customer with the group name just for pricing, and I’ll show you in a second why this might be useful.

Now let’s go to the products page. And we’ll go to the global pricing manager, here in the second tab we can choose a customer group, and apply a default markup or discount to the entire group across all items. We can also limit this by product category by choosing a category on the right. Now when we apply, all the customers in this group will inherit this rule.

But what if we want to assign a new customer to the group? How do we get them to inherit the customer group’s pricing easily??

Let’s go back to the customers page, so in customer groups we have the idea of a default price customer, this can be any customer in the group, but a lot of people like this to be a placeholder so there’s no way the customer will ever be reassigned to a new group.

So once we assign a default price customer, we can enable the customer using this checkbox and add new customers to the group and when we do, we will have an opportunity to apply pricing as the customers are added. We can also use a single customer’s pricing to apply out to a whole group this way by re-running the customer group’s price based on the price of a default customer.

Join use next week when we’ll do a deep dive on our third level of pricing, item specific price lists.

Thanks for watching!