- How can I create pricing rules for my customers that are specific to each product?
- How can I apply these rules to customers, or to a group of customers?
Webinar transcript
APT University: Product Specific Pricing
Hello everyone and welcome to APTU – Today we’ll be continuing our series on pricing with a look at our third level of pricing, product specific pricing, this feature allows us to set a price level, markup, discount or customer sku for any product specific to a customer or group of customers. Today I’m going to go into detail about how the feature works, and how to set it up from the product profile, from the global pricing manager, and from a pricing spreadsheet.
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The first level of pricing is the selling price of the product, the second level of pricing is an across the board markup or discount on all products by percentage. This level allows us to set a specific price for each product, and is the first of the price list levels you can set. The price you set for the third level will automatically override any other price rules on the first or second level, the discounts do not stack. So if you have a customer who gets 10 percent off of everything, and you give them 30 percent off a certain item, then for that one item, the 30 percent takes priority, and ignores the previous 10 percent.
Now there are a few ways we can set this pricing up.
The first way to set up a product specific price is on the product we want to set a customer-specific price on, go to products > (edit product)> customer pricing > create pricing
And we can now choose the customer or customers we want to have this price, on the dropdown, we can also use a customer category now along the bottom, we can set up a customer SKU – or a special part number this customer uses to order, the markup/discount, or a fixed price.
If we specifiy a discount, then it will be a percentage in relation to the default selling price, if we specify a markup, then it will be a percentage in relation to the cost price.
Now if we lock the price, then it will always be this value, if we don’t lock the price, the price will float based on the markup or discount rule.
So lets say we give our customer 10 percent off, and we lock the price, we can change the cost or selling price of the item, and they will always get the original price minus 10 percent, alternatively if we leave it unlocked, that customer will always get the current price minus 10 percent.
So that’s the basic setup, but now lets say we want to apply these 3rd level prices to a whole category of products, lets go to products > global pricing and go to the global pricing options and promotions tab. Here we can choose a group of customers, as well as a category of product, and we can create these 3rd level pricing rules and apply them to the group. Now from there we can go to the group settings like we did in the across the board pricing video and set it up so that as we add customers to the group, they can inherit the group pricing.
Finally, we have the option to import a third level price list, and we can actually do this for multiple customers all at once, here’s how it works.
In the first two columns, set the SKU and product name for the products you want to discount. In the next column, set the header as the customer account number you want to apply the price to, and then go ahead and put in your prices, in the next column, put in a Y if you want to lock the price, if you aren’t locking any prices you can exclude this column completely. Next, if you want to create customer skus, just include a customer sku column. If you have more than one pricelist, go ahead and make another column for another customer account number and repeat this pattern of these three columns.
Now to upload that pricelist, you can either do that from here in the global pricing manager, or from the admin panel under utilities, excel import/export. You’ll always do this as third level pricing. Now if you want to apply the price to all members of the group, just upload the prices to one member of the group, go to customers > customer groups, and choose that member as the default price customer for that group, and re-rerun the group pricing, now all members of that group will inherit their pricing from that group member.
Now third level pricing can also be managed as a pricelist, so lets come back to the global pricing manager, and go to all price lists tab, here we can choose a customer, and click view/edit to choose their pricing, the 3rd level pricelist is always linked to a customer, so if we edit this, it will only affect that customer unless we re-run group pricing.
So when we open up that third level pricelist, you’ll see we can set margin based pricing, markup, discount. fixed price, adjust the customer SKU, and add new products to these special prices as well.
Along the bottom we have some options to adjust the math, for example we can choose to bul update an entire column, or change how we calculate our average costs. Now we can save this pricelist, or we have the option so save it as a 4th level pricelist. Which is a very powerful list that can be dynamically changed and can be linked to any customers or customer groups, and we’ll be covering 4th level pricelists in a future episode of APTU.
So this concludes our tour of 3rd level product specific price rules.