- How can I create Price lists?
- How can I calculate pricing by margin?
- How can I manage and upload pricelists?
- How can I apply a price list to a customer or group of customers?
Webinar transcript
APT University: Price Lists
Hello and welcome to APT University, today we’re going to be taking a look at our fourth level pricing, which is our price lists feature. This allows us to create or import price lists that exist independent of any customers, and let us modify pricing based on margins. We’ll be touching on how to create these price lists, and how to import them, and how to apply them to an individual customer or to a customer group.
We will be taking any questions at the end, so if you have any questions, feel free to put them into the questions tab of your gotowebinar control panel. If you want to learn more about AdvancePro you can find all of our previous APTU videos on localhost/apt, or on our youtube channel.
As I mentioned, price lists are the fourth level of pricing in advancepro. The first level is the selling price, the second level is across the board pricing rules, the third level is product-specific price rules. Our pricing system makes each level of pricing over-rule the previous price levels, and discounts do not stack. So if a customer is part of a group that has a 2nd level price such as 10 percent off everything and the customer has a price list applied, then on the products included on the pricelist, that customer will receive exactly the price on the pricelist, not 10 percent less. And on items that aren’t on the pricelist, the customer will receive the 2nd level price rule giving them 10 percent off the selling price for that item.
So to manage Price Lists in advancepro, you’re going to navigate to Products > Global Pricing Manager> All Price Lists. Here you can view third, fourth, and 5th level Price Lists – and we’re really going to focus today on the 4th level pricelist.
So if we have any pricelists they will be listed here, and we can click the E button to edit the pricelist, or we can create a new pricelist
So at the top we can set the name of the pricelist, and we can set if the price list will expire and when. We can set if there are certain sales reps who will be excluded from this, and so this way we can have sales reps who get certain pricing when dealing with certain customers. We’ll also be able to set the lock setting. This allows us to decide how pricing will be applied. For example if we lock pricing to the margin or markup/discount columns, as the cost or selling price changes, the selling price for the customers who receive this pricelist will adjust automatically to maintain that margin or discount rule. If we lock to the price amount, then the price will be fixed until someone changes the price list directly.
Now in the middle of this window we can add products to the spreadsheet, se we can have a pricelist with just one item on it, or with every item in advancepro in it. It’s worth noting that items do not automatically add themselves to pricelists, so if you’re adding a lot of items to advancepro, you will need to add them to any pricelists – if you need automatic pricing levels, take a look at our video on 2nd level across the board price rules as that will be a simpler more automatic method for pricing.
So across the bottom we have a tool for a bulk update, for example if we want to raise the margin for all items on this pricelist by a certain amount, we can do that from here. We can also change how we calculate our average cost across all products, such as only looking at the average only the last 30 days of business, or over the last year, or only on orders delivered to a specific warehouse.
Finally, we can save the pricelist or convert between 3rd 4th and 5th levels, we can delete the pricelist.or we can push the pricelist to excel.
Now to import one or more price lists from excel, you’ll want to set up a spreadsheet with the following headers
SKU ProductName, PricelistName and price, markup,discount, or margin depending on which one you want to use, if it expires you can also have a from and a to date column, and a notes column.
Once you have your spreadsheet, to import you can come to the global pricing manager and import a 4th level spreadsheet, or you can do the same from Admin > utilities > excel import/export > import 4th level pricelist. Then you can browse for and import your pricelist
Now that we have our price lists, let’s look at how we can apply them to a customer or group of customers.
So we can go to the individual customer profile on customers> view all customers, and on additional info we can select a pricelist to apply that pricelist to a single customer.
Alternatively we can come back to our global pricing manager and we can go to the global pricing manager check off the groups we want to apply a pricelist to, and then choose the 4th level pricelist to apply to the entire group.
Now lets say we have a price list already applied to a group and we want to put a new customer into a group with a pricelist applied. Lets go to the customer groups panel, which is found on the customers dashboard.
So as we add a customer, we can choose another customer in the group whos pricing the new customer will inherit, so we choose a default price customer, and enable that price for new customers, then add the customers to the group.
This concludes today’s tour of the 4th level pricing, price lists feature.