- How can I change my company’s name or Billing address?
- How can I change my company’s shipping address(es)?
- How can I set my company logo shape and size and what documents will it print on?
Webinar Transcript
APT University: Company Address and Logo Settings
Hello and welcome to APT university. This week we’ll be showing you how to change or set your company addresses and logo. We will be taking any questions at the end so if you have a question, feel free to enter it into the gotowebinar control panel. And to view any of our previous APTU episodes, take a look at our youtube channel, or on localhost/apt under the resources tab.
So lets take a look at this in AdvancePro. To start with, lets deal with our company name and address, this is found under the admin panel, in the site settings area. This company name is what you’ll see as the company name both within AdvancePro, and on all paperwork such as the vendor purchase order, customer sales order, and invoices.
This is also where you’ll set the billing address that will be shown in the header of all documents, as well as in the billing address field for any vendor purchase orders.
Next we’ll be making changes to your shipping address. To make these changes you’re going to navigate to your warehouse dashboard, and click on manage warehouses.
This is where you can configure all the appropriate contact information for your warehouse, and also where you can add warehouses if you’re using our multi warehouse capability, each warehouse and address you set can be chosen as a destination shipping address on your purchase orders.
If you want a vendor to ship directly to your customer, you’ll want to use our drop shipping feature – take a look at the video for that.
Finally, we’re going to look at setting your company logo. The logo is shown on all customer-facing documents, so the quote or sales order, the pick pack or ship slips, and the invoice.
To set your logo we’ll come back to the admin panel, and go to Site settings once again.
Next, we’ll be going to the general settings tab and we’ll browse for our logo file on the left hand side. AdvancePro offers some choices here about how to set your file. We can provide a standard square or horizontal format, or you can set the exact width and height in pixels.
Keep in mind here that AdvancePro will always place your company name and address to the right of your logo, so you may need to experiment to get the size you want.
This concludes today’s APTU.